Bible Study

Books I read with my child before we started reading the Bible itself:

The Child's Story Bible by Catharine Vos

The Lamb by John Cross

Using Firm Foundations, we started digging into the Bible chronologically. This curriculum has about 50 lessons with fun activities including memory verses, word puzzles, opportunities to look up Scriptures and very little preparation.

Somewhere between The Child's Story Bible and Firm Foundations, I began just reading the Bible to him beginning in Genesis and through the historical books, even to Revelation, using the Nelson Study Bible which comes in the King James Version and the New King James Version.  This comes with a copy of it on CD which has a concordance to find every location for any word in the Bible!  It includes maps and Charles Spurgeon's daily devotional.  I use the concordance myself all the time.

We then went through The Greenleaf Guide to Old Testament History.  This took us about two years

We are now studying the Life of Christ - walking verse by verse through the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.   The Life of Christ: A Visual Survey is a helpful guide.

Bible Study is our favorite part of the School Day.