Saturday, September 18, 2010

Lesson Plan Book

I searched for a store bought lesson plan book, free templates on the internet, and tried to design my own in Excel. My own design was fine, except it was so impersonal. I chose to go analog. I found a neat composition notebook at Office Depot that had graph paper instead of lined paper. I have only one student so this works fine for us.

At the front, I have pages for goals and resources. Then I have monthly calendars with a blank page next to each for notes. I set up 36 weeks and just started to fill it in. No dates. We will do 36 weeks of school no matter how long it takes.


  1. I love this idea! My son actually goes through a virtual school so they make his lessons for me, but who want to carry around a huge course guide for each subject with them everywhere we go... Right now he is in a grade where there is more book work then online work so we can learn anywhere! and we do, I just normally jot down his assignments before we go.. I think I may start doing something like this, where it is all neat and organized! Thanks for the idea! :)

  2. Thank you for your interest. This year I did the same thing, but typed it on the computer, printed out the pages and held them together with one binder ring. It works, too, but isn't quite as personal. There is nothing like hand-written plans that turn into part of the history of our school. :)
